Grading of Cashews

Grading of cashews
The grading of cashews is generally distinguished by color, shape, and size.
In terms of color, A represents purple skin salt roasted cashew nuts, W represents white cashew kernel, and S represents yellowish or yellow color.
And the number 180 represents the number of cashews per pound, so A180 and W180 represent cashews per pound, including 180 cashews with or without clothing.
How do we differentiate specifically?
The following are the differences between A180, A240, A320 roasted salt cashew nuts and W180, W240, W320 cashew kernel.

cashew nut size

From the perspective of color, the color of stir fried cashews is relatively golden, with a more fragrant aroma,the integrity is relatively good.
In terms of shape, W represents whole grains, B and P represent broken grains, B naturally breaks, P represents relatively broken grains, and there is also a type called SPLIT, which means divided into two pieces. The size is generally expressed in Arabic numerals: how many nuts are there per pound, with smaller numbers indicating larger cashews.
A180/W180 180/pound (453.6 grams)
A240/W240 240/pound (453.6 grams)
A320/W320 320/pound (453.6 grams)
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